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mean content min max SD n N number of references
Flavonoids - Flavanols - (+)-Catechin 3-O-gallate
Fruits and fruit products
Fruits - Tropical fruits Kiwi Graph 0.08 mg/100 g FW 0.00 0.10 0.07 2 6 1
Non-alcoholic beverages
Herb infusions German camomile, tea Graph 0.09 mg/100 ml 0.00 0.18 0.13 2 2 1
Peppermint, tea Graph 0.45 mg/100 ml 0.00 0.90 0.64 2 2 1
Tea infusions Tea [Black], bottled Graph 0.21 mg/100 ml 0.03 0.80 0.30 6 6 1
Tea [Black], infusion Graph 4.74 mg/100 ml 0.65 10.26 2.75 18 18 2
Tea [Green], bottled Graph 1.85 mg/100 ml 0.35 2.97 0.92 10 10 1
Tea [Oolong], bottled Graph 0.82 mg/100 ml 0.69 0.95 0.18 2 2 1